Multi-Family Properties are selling FAST in Johnson County

There is a shortage of multi-family properties available for sale right now in Johnson County (i.e. duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes).  Why?  It’s because multi-family properties are selling fast in Johnson County!  As I type this, there are currently only 8 active multi-family listings on the market right now in Johnson County.  That’s insane!   To …

Maximizing Home Equity: Strategies for Building Wealth Through Real Estate

equity – noun eq·​ui·​ty | \ ˈe-kwə-tē \ The value of a mortgaged property after deduction of charges against it. Equity is the difference between what your house is worth and what you owe on it. For example: a $400,000 house with a $250,000 mortgage, has about $150,000 in equity. This number increases …

10 Things Home Buyers Should NEVER Do

Qualifying for a mortgage often requires some very specific criteria.  And any time you make changes to your financial situation, your ability to qualify can change.  That’s why it’s crucial to be careful regarding your finances throughout entire processes of buying a home.  This includes from the time you receive your loan approval, all the …